One of the mantras Neighborhood Launch likes to share with prospective buyers for the "Why Live Downtown?" question is save time, energy and money.
The Columbus Dispatch reported that Columbus-area commuters lead the state in the amount of time, and expense, spent crawling in backed-up traffic.
Last time, walking home from the office during a little snow storm, I did appreciate the short commute home I now have. It was nice walking home, in albeit cold and snowy conditions, but many people who are walking along with me are headed to the parking garage, where I am headed to my warm condo.
I had the luxury to of being able to relax and making plans for dinner with friends. I didn't have to suffer a long drive home with thousands of other commuters at a snails pace.
Since living downtown, my husband and I have noticed we are saving money on gas as we usually only drive on weekends to run a few errands and our energy bills are smaller as our downtown condo is not as large as our suburban home.
Snow maintenance is a breeze as we just need to brush off our front and back steps. But hey, we have time while we wait for the traffic to calm down so we can meet friends and walk to dinner. What's the rush?