Part two of National Pet Month recognizes the cuddly kittens and finicky felines of Neighborhood Launch.
Prospective buyers that have cats might wonder how their pets will adjust to a new urban environment. As the owner of three cats, I can attest that the transition went smoother than I thought. Sadie, Sammie and Pepper immediately took to their new downtown home. They love running up and down the stairs, which gives them some exercise, as well as sunning themselves in the sunlight streaming through the windows.
A nicer surprise is how social they have become with our neighbors, now that we live downtown and interact so much with other residents. They don’t run and hide all the time as they did when we had in frequent guest at our suburban home.
They are even able to enjoy the outdoors as they did in the suburbs. Thanks to a nice courtyard in the front of our condo, the cats are able to enjoy supervised outdoor times. Other neighborhood cats sometimes enjoy frolicking in the grass as well with their owners.
And since so many residents have cats, it is nice to be able to assist each other when travel plans take us away from home. We can ask neighbors to look in on our cats and feed them and tend to their needs. It’s a good feeling to know you can leave your kids, I mean cats, in capable, friendly hands.